Specialty in HUD Requirements
Community Development Block Grant
- Economic Development/ Facade Improvement
- Subrecipient Management: social services, construction, infrastructure projects
- Citizen participation
HOME, Emergency Solutions Grant, Neighborhood Stabilization Program, Section 108
Continuum of Care, Coordinated Entry
Cross cutting requirements: Davis Bacon, Environmental Review, Procurement, Section 3
Consolidated Planning
IDIS Reporting and Project Management
General Services
Strategic planning
Program management
Project initiation, development, implementation & evaluation
Grant management, tracking and reporting
Grant writing
Committee staffing
Group facilitation
Community education/ engagement
Procurement, Managing an RFP Process
Creative problem solving to address an emerging community need
Research, data collection and analysis
Special projects
“Amy helped guide our Community Development Block Grant program for many years, developing systems and creating a process that kept our federal partners satisfied with our management of the funds. At the same time, she helped the city prioritize its goals and needs for the funds to ensure that they provided maximum benefit to Portland residents and businesses. Amy is a true community development professional.”