M.S. in Community and Economic Development, Pennsylvania State University, 2005
M.S. in Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2005
Machu Picchu Spanish School, Cusco, Peru, 2005
Bachelors of Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2001
University of Leeds, England, semester abroad, 1999
Professional Development
Certificate in Essential Facilitation, Interaction Associates, 2017
National Community Development Association, Vice President, Regional Board 2014, 2015, member from 2007.
HUD Training: Integrated Disbursement of Information Systems HUD Training a Budget and Program Management Tool for CDBG and HOME; Advanced CDBG; CDBG/HOME Underwriting; Grant writing; HOME &NSP Training, Creating Affordable Housing, Stabilizing Neighborhoods; Effective Sub-recipient (Grantee) Management; Fair Housing Training; CDBG Basics: Training for Practioners, Environmental Review, Davis Bacon, Section 3, Coordinated Entry, ongoing webinars.
HUD’s Community Development Future Leaders Program, 2008.
Amy has dedicated her career to solving community problems through creativity and partnerships. Trained in both engineering and community development, she has the ability to see across disciplines and boundaries to create holistic solutions. Throughout her career Amy has chosen work that continues to have a positive impact on local communities. She has over a decade of experience working with Department of Housing and Urban Development Programs, specifically throughout HUD’s Community Planning and Development Programs: CDBG, COC, HOME, LEAD, and ESG.
In 2015, Amy created Grommes Pulaski Consulting, LLC, a business dedicated to solving community problems through creativity and partnerships. Work is focused on strategizing solutions, simplifying systems, steering results, sharing knowledge, and strengthening communities. Engineering solutions for social change.
she is passionate and focused on the work at hand. She thinks big and brings her visions into reality through thoughtful communication and a determination to develop solutions that work.
Amy started Grommes Pulaski Consulting with the goal of creating balance in her life, aligning her work with her values, and using her skills to address complex problems and improve the world around her. She has a desire to learn, grow, and share her knowledge and experiences with others.
When Amy isn't working she's...
learning, exploring, and growing. She lives for the adventure in life. Amy enjoys living in Portland which allows her access to all the good things life has to offer ... the ocean, the mountains, good food, good beer, and good friends. She is blessed to have a husband she adores, two sons whom she cherishes, and her sweet pup, Baxter.