a summary of completed projecTs
Maine Continuum of Care Board of Directors, Support. Provide backbone support to the COC Board of Directors through a collective impact model, funded through MaineHousing’s HUD planning grant.
Maine Women’s Conference: Strategic Planning Retreat Facilitator/Strategist. Work with Board members to develop a language around identity and strategy.
TempoArts: Strategic Planning Retreat Facilitator/ Strategist, Worked with Board members to develop a two-year strategic plan.
Maine Continuum of Care Board of Directors: Strategic Planning Retreat Facilitator. Worked with BOD members to strategize a goal for moving forward after the Maine and Portland COCs merged.
United Way of Eastern Maine: Researcher and Writer. Researched background and national trends on three emerging communities needs and developed a White Paper to share the information with the community.
United Way of Eastern Maine: Needs Assessment Researcher. Researched pressing needs, gathered data, co-wrote final report.
City of Portland: CDBG Consultant. Work with staff to address community, economic and housing services and need as related to HUD programming or local needs.
City of Portland: Grant Writer. Worked with staff write and submit HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant ($1.8 million awarded).
Portland Housing Authority: Grant Writer. Work with staff to articulate programmatic goals and strategies ($10,000 awarded).
“I could go on about Amy’s self confidence, ability to multi task, and to successfully interact with City Councilors, staff, and on-the-street neighborhood organizations and community activists…But the main point I would like to make in recommending her … is that over my 35 years of experience it is my opinion that Amy is a “natural” at Community Development, and her competence and commitment to sustainable community development should be encouraged.”